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高二英语知识点总结 第1篇


1. impression n.印记;印象;感想;后接of sb./ of sth./ on sb./ that从句; My first impression of him was favorable.他给我的.第一印象非常讨人喜欢。 I got the impression that they were unhappy about the situation.他们给我的印象是他们对这个情形不是很开心。

知识拓展:impress v.给……留下深刻的印象;使铭记;使感动;常用结构有:impress sth. on/upon sb./impress sb. with sth.给……留下深刻的印象;使铭记; It impressed me that she remembered my name.令我佩服的是她记得我的名字。

2. remind v.提醒;使想起;常用结构有: remind sb. to do sth.提醒某人做某事;remind sb.+(that)/wh-从句提醒某人……;使某人想起……;remind sb. about/of sth.使某人想起或意识到……;提醒某人某事I'm sorry, but I've forgotten your name, can you remind me?很抱歉,我忘记你叫什么名字了,你能提醒一下吗?

You remind me of your father when you say that.说到那的时候,我想起了你的父亲。

知识拓展:reminder n.提醒物;引起回忆的事物

3. constantly adv.始终;一直;重复不断地Fashion is constantly changing.时尚总是日新月异。知识拓展:constant adj.连续发生的;不断的;重复的;

4. previous adj.先前的;以往的;(时间上)稍前的;

No previous experience is necessary for this job.以往的经验对这项工作不是很有必要。

I couldn't believe it when I heard the news.我听到这个消息的时候,我觉得简直令人那以置信。

I had only seen him the previous day.我只在几天前见到过他。

知识拓展:previously adv.先前的;早先

The building had previously been used as a hotel.这栋建筑早些时候被用作旅馆。

5. bend v.(bent bent)弯曲;使弯曲;弯腰;弯身;常用搭配有: bend one's mind/efforts

to sth.致力于某事bend sb.to sth.迫使;说服bend the truth歪曲事实It's hard to bend an iron bar.把铁棒弄弯很不容易。

She bent her head and kissed her daughter.她低下头吻了她的女儿。

6. press v.压;按;推;挤;坚持;敦促n.报章杂志,新闻工作者,新闻界She pressed a handkerchief to his nose.她用手绢捂住鼻子。 She pressed down hard on the gas pedal.她用力踩下油门踏板。 He is still pressing her claim for compensation.他仍坚持索赔。 The press was/were not allowed to attend the trial.庭审谢绝新闻采访。

7. switch n. & v.用作名词表示“开关;转换”。用作动词表示“转换”。 She made the switch from full-time to part-time work when her first child was born.她生第一个孩子的时候调整了工作,把全职工作转换成了兼职工作。 Press these two keys to switch between documents on screen.按这两个键来转换屏幕上的文件。

I can't work next week, will you switch with me?下周我不想上班,你能和我换一下班。

8. lack n. & v.用作名词,表示:“缺乏;短缺”;用作动词,表示:“缺乏;短缺;没有;不足”。 a lack of food /money/skills缺乏食物/金钱/技能

The trip was cancelled through lack of interest.因为缺乏兴趣这次旅行被取消了。 He lacks confidence.他缺乏信心。

知识拓展:lacking adj.缺乏;没有;匮乏;不足

高二英语知识点总结 第2篇





3、由and连接的并列单数主语之前如果分别由each, every, no修饰时,其谓语动词要用单数形式。

4、主语是单数时,尽管后面跟有 but ,except, besides, with ,as well as ,together with ,along with,like 等引导的介词短语时 ,谓语动词与前面的主语一致。


5、一些只有复数形式的名词,如people, police, cattle, clothes等作主语时,谓语动词要用复数。

6、集体名词family, class, team, group 等看作整体时,谓语动词用单数;看作每一个成员时,谓语动词用复数。

7、 当表示国家,城市,人名,书名,报纸,杂志,及组织机构等的专有名词做主语时,作为整体,谓语动词用单数形式。

The New York Times is reading all over the United States . 《纽约时报》

8、 news ,maths,physics ,politics等词貌似复数,实为单数,其谓语动词用单数.

9、the +形容词(如the poor ,the rich ,the young, the old , the dead ,the sick,the brave 等)作主语,谓语动词往往用复数


11、由连词notbut, or, eitheror, neithernor, not onlybut also,等连接的并列主语,如果一个是单数,一个是复数,则谓语动词按就近一致原则,与最靠近它的主语一致。

12、There be句型、以here开头的句子谓语动词和靠近的主语一致。

13、a number of后面加复数名词或代词,其动词用复数形式;但the number of后面加复数名词或代词时,其谓语用单数。

14、在定语从句中主语是关系代词who , that , which , 谓语动词的数应与先行词的数一致。

注意:在one of +复数名词+ who/that/which引导的定语从句中,从句谓语的单复数取决 于one前是否有the (only)、the very。如果有,从句的谓语动词用单数,如没有the only, 就用复数形式。

高二英语知识点总结 第3篇

ugly 丑陋的;难看的

UK(缩) = United Kingdom 英国,联合王国

umbrella 雨伞

UN(缩) = the United Nations? 联合国

unable 不能的,不能胜任的

unbearable 难耐得,无法接受的

unbelievable 难以置信的

uncertain 不确定的

uncle 叔,伯,舅,姑夫,姨父

uncomfortable 令人不舒服的

unconditional 无条件,绝对的

unconscious 昏迷,不省人事的

under 在…下面,向…下面

underground 地下的 地铁

underline 在…下划线

understand (understood, understood) 懂得;明白;理解

understanding 领会;理解

高二英语知识点总结 第4篇

put forward: 提出(计划、建议等);将…提前;把钟表拨快

He put forward a good plan for this 他为这项工程提出了一个好的方案。

The match has been put forward to 比赛已经提前到一点半举行。

Put the clock forward by ten 把钟表拨快十分钟。


- put away: 收起来;贮存,储蓄

- put down: 放下;写下,记下

- put off: 推迟;延期

- put on: 穿上;增加;上演(戏剧) put on weight: 增加了体重 put on a new play: 上演新戏剧

- put up: 张贴;撑开(帐篷) put up a poster put up a tent: 搭起帐篷

conclude: 作结论,断定(conclusion: 结论)

The jury concluded that he was 陪审团认定他有罪。

【习惯用语】- draw a conclusion 作出结论

defeat 打败, 击败, 战胜; 使(希望, 计划等)失败, 挫败; 阻挠, 使无效

He finally conceded 他最终承认了失败。

◆ 区别: defeat, conquer, overcome

- defeat 指“赢得胜利”, 尤其指“军事上的胜利”, defeat the enemy 打败敌人。

- conquer指“征服”、”战胜”,特别指“获得对人、物或感情的控制”, conquer nature

- overcome指“战胜”、“压倒”、“克服”尤指“感情”而言, overcome difficulties


1) to be present at; go to (meeting, conference, ) 出席;参加

He decided to attend the meeting 他决定亲自赴会。

2) to look after, care for, serve 照顾;看护。

Which doctor is attending to (on) you? 哪位医生护理你?

3)to go with 伴随

The work was attended with much 这项工作带来许多困难。

Don't expose your skin to the sun for too

They had to be exposed to the enemy's

blame for 因为某事责备某人

He blamed the boy for his

- be to blame: 应受责备,应负责任

Who is to blame for the mistake?这个错误应归咎于谁?

in addition: 除此之外,另外, 意思相当于 besides, what's more

I paid 100 Yuan in

In addition to English, he has to study a second

◆ 区别: in addition to, except, besides,beside

- in addition to:除…之外,还有…,表示递进关系。

The company provided the workers with free lunch in addition to paid 这家公司为员工们提供带薪假期,还有免费午餐。

- except: 除…之外,表示在整体中排除,

Everyone except me got an 除了我以外, 所有人都收到了请柬.

- besides 表示“除了……以外,还有……”,与in addition to 同义,

Besides Mr Wang, we also went to see the 王先生也去了。

We all agreed besides 我们都同意, 他也同意。

- beside : 在…旁边。表示方位。

Lily sits beside me in 莉莉在班上做我旁边。


1)He speaks French as well as

He speaks French in addition to/besides

2) Apart from the salary, it’s not a bad

In addition to/Except the salary, it’s not a bad

announce: 公布;宣告

He announced his 他宣布了他的决定。


1) 吸收 A sponge absorbs 海绵吸水。


- be absorbed in sth: 专心的,全神贯注的

The little girl was absorbed in reading a 这个小姑娘正在全神贯注的阅读一篇故事。

challenge 挑战; 挑战书; 邀请比赛; 要求决斗

向挑战, 要求, 怀疑 ; 挑战, 对(证据等)表示异议

meet the serious challenge 面对严峻挑战

高二英语知识点总结 第5篇

attend school去上学

attend church去做礼拜

attend a meeting参加会议

attend one's class听课

Did you attend the meeting yesterday? 你出席昨天的会议了吗?

Will you attend her wedding next week? 下周你会参加她的婚礼吗?

She was sick so she didn't attend her 她病了,所以没去上课。

I attended two lecture courses this 今天上午我上了两节课。 看护,照顾;此时可与介词on或upon连用。

There was no one to attend (on)him but his 只有他的姐姐一人照料他。

He has two nurses to attend (on) 有两个护士看护他。

attend to“处理;专心于;注意”

I have an urgent matter to attend 我有件急事要处理。

Attend carefully to what she is saying。专心听她在说什么。

高二英语知识点总结 第6篇


compete 比赛,竞争

take part in 参加,参与

stand for 代表,象征,表示

admit 容许,接纳,承认

as well 也,又,还

host 做东,招待,主人

replace 代替

charge 收费,控诉

in charge 主管,看管

advertise I 做广告,登广告

bargain 讨价还价,讲条件,便宜货

one after another 一个接一个地

deserve 应受(报答或惩罚)

deserve 的用法

deserve to do sth 应该做/值得做

deserve doing = deserve to be done 值得… (doing 表被动意义)

Your suggestion deserves to be considered = deserves

( 用法相似的动词:need/want/requiredoing= need/want/require to be done 需要….)

take part in : 参加有组织的、重大的活动

join in 参加正在进行的活动

join: 参加团体,党派和组织,成为其中的一员(jointhe army; join the party)

attend: 出席,参加,后跟 meeting,wedding,class,course 等


nor/neither + 助动词/be/情态动词 + 主语:表示“…也不这样” I have never been abroad, andneither/nor has

If you don’t go to the party, nor

So+情态动词/助动词/be 动词+主语:表示“也是的一样的”, 强调后者同前者肯定情况一样。

So+主语+情态动词/助动词/be 动词:表示 “的确如此”,对前面情况的肯定。

not only…but (also)… 不但而且

Women are not only allowed, but play avery important role in

引导并列结构:引导主语时,谓语动词 就近原则。

引导并列句时,not only 句倒装,即前倒后不倒。

Not only did they take photos, but alsothey had a bid



一. 概念:主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。

二. 各种时态被动语态的形式


am/is/are + done


was/were + done


will bedone is/am/are going to be done


is/am/are + being + done

表示说话人说话时或现阶段正在进行的动作,经常和时间副词 now (现在), right now (现在, 此刻), at present (现在,目前), at this moment (此刻)连用。


have/has been done

现在完成时常与 already,always, often, ever, never, yet, , just 等不表示明确的时间副词连用, 还可以和表示时间一直延续到目前的带(ever )since, for 的状语及包括现在在内的词连用。

如: now, today, this month, this year, recently, these days,many times, so far, by now, in the past/last few days/years… 等。

过去完成时的被动 had been done

过去将来时的被动 would be done

过去进行时的被动 was/were being done

带情态动词的被动语态 情态动词 + be done

动词不定式的被动式 to be done

例:It is an honor for meto be asked to speak

三. 注意事项


happen, take place, break out, belongto, cost, last 等不及物动词或词组无被动语态。


例:Time should be madefull use


例:Mother will buy me → I will be bought an iphone5 (by my mother) .

→ An iphone5 will be bought for me (bymy mother)

高二英语知识点总结 第7篇

1、impression n.印记;印象;感想;后接of sb./ of sth./ on sb./ that从句; My first impression of him was favorable.他给我的第一印象非常讨人喜欢。 I got the impression that they were unhappy about the situation.他们给我的印象是他们对这个情形不是很开心。

知识拓展:impress v.给……留下深刻的印象;使铭记;使感动;常用结构有:impress sth. on/upon sb./impress sb. with sth.给……留下深刻的印象;使铭记; It impressed me that she remembered my name.令我佩服的是她记得我的名字。

2、remind v.提醒;使想起;常用结构有: remind sb. to do sth.提醒某人做某事;remind sb.+(that)/wh-从句提醒某人……;使某人想起……;remind sb. about/of sth.使某人想起或意识到……;提醒某人某事I'm sorry, but I've forgotten your name, can you remind me?很抱歉,我忘记你叫什么名字了,你能提醒一下吗?

You remind me of your father when you say that.说到那的时候,我想起了你的父亲。

知识拓展:reminder n.提醒物;引起回忆的事物

3、constantly adv.始终;一直;重复不断地Fashion is constantly changing.时尚总是日新月异。知识拓展:constant adj.连续发生的;不断的;重复的;

4、previous adj.先前的;以往的;(时间上)稍前的`;

No previous experience is necessary for this job.以往的经验对这项工作不是很有必要。

I couldn't believe it when I heard the news.我听到这个消息的时候,我觉得简直令人那以置信。

I had only seen him the previous day.我只在几天前见到过他。

知识拓展:previously adv.先前的;早先

The building had previously been used as a hotel.这栋建筑早些时候被用作旅馆。

5、bend v.(bent bent)弯曲;使弯曲;弯腰;弯身;常用搭配有: bend one's mind/efforts

to sth.致力于某事bend sb.to sth.迫使;说服bend the truth歪曲事实It's hard to bend an iron bar.把铁棒弄弯很不容易。

She bent her head and kissed her daughter.她低下头吻了她的女儿。

6、press v.压;按;推;挤;坚持;敦促n.报章杂志,新闻工作者,新闻界She pressed a handkerchief to his nose.她用手绢捂住鼻子。 She pressed down hard on the gas pedal.她用力踩下油门踏板。 He is still pressing her claim for compensation.他仍坚持索赔。 The press was/were not allowed to attend the trial.庭审谢绝新闻采访。

7、switch n. & v.用作名词表示“开关;转换”。用作动词表示“转换”。 She made the switch from full-time to part-time work when her first child was born.她生第一个孩子的时候调整了工作,把全职工作转换成了兼职工作。 Press these two keys to switch between documents on screen.按这两个键来转换屏幕上的文件。

I can't work next week, will you switch with me?下周我不想上班,你能和我换一下班。

8、lack n. & v.用作名词,表示:“缺乏;短缺”;用作动词,表示:“缺乏;短缺;没有;不足”。 a lack of food /money/skills缺乏食物/金钱/技能

The trip was cancelled through lack of interest.因为缺乏兴趣这次旅行被取消了。 He lacks confidence.他缺乏信心。

知识拓展:lacking adj.缺乏;没有;匮乏;不足

9、surroundings n.环境;surround v.围绕;环绕surrounding adj.周围的;附近的Everyone likes to work in pleasant surroundings.每个人都喜欢在愉快的环境中工作。

10、catch/gain/get sight of发现,看出;lose sight of看不见,忘记; lose one's sight失明;at first sight一见就;乍看起来;at (the) sight of一看见就……;be in sight看得见,在眼前;out of sight看不见At first sight, the problem seems easy.乍一看,这个问题似乎很简单。 At the sight of the teacher, the boy ran away.小男孩一看到老师就跑了。 The island is still in sight.小岛仍然在眼前。

Out of sight, out of mind.眼不见,心不烦。

11、take up:to fill or use an amount of space or time占用(时间);占据(空间);to learn to or start to do sth开始做(某项工作);开始从事;to accept sth. that is offered or available接受(建议或能得到的东西) The table takes up too much room.这张桌子太占地儿。 They have taken up golf.他们学起打高尔夫球来了。 She took up his offer of a drink.他请她喝一杯,她接受了。 He takes up his duties next week.他下周就要开始履行职责。

12、sweep up打扫;清扫;横扫;涌向;快速地抱起He swept up the baby up into his arms.他一把将孩子抱进怀里

高二英语知识点总结 第8篇

concentrate 聚精会神,集中思想,多与 on 和 upon 或连用 Concentrate on your 集中精神工作。

A driver should concentrate on the road when

Industrial development is being concentrated in the west of the

acquire 获得, 学到,取得,拥有 acquired, acquiring

She acquired a knowledge of the English by careful

Some smoking and alcoholic drinks are an acquired taste and are not in

accuse of doing 指责,指控 accused, accusing

The police accused him of 警方指控他谋杀。

She accused him 她指责他说谎.

He was wrongly accused of 他误遭控告犯偷盗罪.

be of interest/ importance, value, use, help, =

This is a matter of great 这是一件非常重要的事。

The book is of great value to 这本书对我来说有很大价值。

There is nothing interesting/of interest in today's

journalist 新闻记者;新闻工作者

He is a professional 他是一位专门的新闻从业人员

delighted 高兴的, 快乐的

I am really 我真的很高兴。


delight 高兴, 愉快 ; 使高兴, 乐于; 感到高兴(或愉快、快乐)

is her chief 唱歌是她的主要爱好。

assist 帮助, 协助; 帮助, 促进; 协助, 参加

【习惯用语 】

- assist with 帮助某人[做某事]

-assist to do 帮助某人[做某事]

-assist in doing 帮助某人[做某事]

◆ 区别: help, aid, assist 都含"帮助"、"援助"的意思。

-help 系常用词, 意义较aid, assist 强, 指"以积极态度给予各方面的帮助", 强调"受助者得到帮助或好处", 并着重"受助者对帮助的需要"

Please help me arrange these

-aid 属较正式用语, 强调"帮助受助者脱离困难或危险", 有时意味着"强者援助弱者"

They aided flood

-assist是正式用语, 多指"在提供帮助时, 帮助者起次要或起协助作用"

She assisted him in his

高二英语知识点总结 第9篇

【First aid知识点】

1. first aid 的.意思是“急救”,例如:first aid to the injured 给予伤员的急救。


give/offer aid 援助 come to sb's aid 帮助某人

teaching aids 教具 medical aid 医疗救护

with the aid of 借助于

get injured 受伤,在现代英语中大量地出现了由“get + 及物动词不达意的过去分词”构成的被动语态,这叫 get - 型被动语态。又如:

The computer got (was)damaged when we were moving. 我们搬家的时候,电脑碰坏了。

高二英语知识点总结 第10篇

回答反义疑问句时,若事实是肯定的,用yes回答;若事实是否定的,就用no来回答。例如:Let’s go swimming,shall we?Yes,let’s go。


(1)祈使句的反义疑问部分为肯定形式,要用shall,will。如:Pass me the book,will you?

(2)Let’s表示第一人称的祈使句,反义疑问句为“Shall we?”。如:Let’s go for a walk,shall we?

(3)Let me和Let us 表示第二人称的祈使句,反义疑问句为“will you?”。如:Let us go for a walk,will you?

(4)其它行为动词引起的祈使句,无论其陈述部分是否定还是肯定的祈使句,多用“will you?”,表一种客气的语气。如:Listen to me,will you?

但在肯定的祈使句后有时也用“won’t you?”表“提醒对方注意”或表“邀请”。如:Have a cup of coffee,won’t you?


(1)Let's表示说话人向对方提出建议,简短问句的主语用we表示,问句用shall we或shan't we。如:Let's have a cup of tea,shall we(shan't we)

(2)Let me或 Let us表示听话人提出请求,问句用will you或won't 如:Let me have a rest,will you(won't you).


(3)其它的祈使句后可以加一个简短问句,使语气变得客气一些.如:Have a rest,will



用will you

Keep that door closed,will you?你让那门关着好吗?

Serve out the rice,will you?你来给大家盛饭,好吗?

用won’t you

Drive carefully,won't you?开车要小心些,好吗?

用would you

Come this way,would you?请您走这边,好吗?

Open a window,would you?你打开一扇窗,好不好?

高二英语知识点总结 第11篇


human beings 人类

campaign 运动,战役

behave 行为

shade 阴凉处

move off 离开,启程

observe 观察

respect 尊重

argue 讨论,辩论

lead 过着…的生活

crowd in 涌入脑海

support 支持

look down upon/on 看不起

refer to 查阅,参考,涉及

by chance 碰巧

come across 偶遇

intend 计划,打算

deliver 提送,生(小孩),接生,发表(演说)

carry on 继续,坚持


She also discovered how chimps communicate with each other and her study of their

body language helped her work out their social



△ work out 解决、解答、计算出;产生结果、发展;锻炼;作出、制订出

She is leading a busy life but she says …


△ lead a …life = live a …life 过……的生活

Many people look down upon poor 很多人瞧不起穷人。

△ look down upon / on 蔑视;轻视;瞧不起

You mustn’t look down upon/ on the


If the word group refers to different members, use a plural

如果 group(作主语)指的是各个成员,谓语动词用复数。

△ refer to 指的是:提及;谈到;提到;查阅、参考

By chance I came across an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in



△ by chance=by accident 偶然地,意外地

Why not study at medical college like Lin Qiaozhi and carry on her good work?


△ carry on 继续;坚持

高二英语知识点总结 第12篇

1、形容词的定义:形容词简称 形容词简称修饰 ,其他或全句的词,,或全句的词修饰,,其他或全句的词,表示时间,地点,程度,方式等。表示时间,地



(1)形容词+ 名词+ ed kind-hearted 好心的,white-haired 白发的

(2)形容词+ 形容词red-hot 炽热的,dark-blue 深蓝的

(3)形容词+ 现在分词good-looking 好看的,easy-going 随和的

(4)副词+ 现在分词hard-working 勤劳的,fast-moving 快速转动的

(5)副词+ 过去分词hard-won 得来不易的,newly-made 新建的

(6)名词+ 形容词life-long 终生的,world-famous 世界闻名的

(7)名词+ 现在分词peace-loving 爱好和平的,fun-loving 爱开玩笑的

(8)名词+ 过去分词snow-covered 白雪覆盖的,hand-made 手工的

(9)数词+ 名词+ ed four-storeyed 4 层楼的,three-legged 3 条腿的

(10)数词+ 名词(名词用单数)ten-year 10 年的,two-man 两人的




You are standing near the Can you move a little farther? a little修饰副词“farther”表示程度 farther修饰动词“move”表示方式

Miss Long usually goes to school by usually修饰动词goes,表示频度、频率

The two old passengers fell into the Unfortunately, neither of them could Unfortunately修饰整个句子

I won’t go with It’s much too hot much too修饰形容词,表示程度修饰形容词hot,修饰形容词

