
时间:2023-06-28 14:00:14 演讲稿


和平演讲稿 第1篇


那个魔鬼——二战元凶--说过:“时代呼唤的是战争而不是和平。”我对于这个头脑发热的德意志杀手有无尽的恨意,他既没有波拿巴的雄才大略,也没有彼德一世富国图强的伟大胸襟,他把世界弄得天翻地覆,到自杀而死也只能留下无尽的骂名。 他发动的法西斯战争,全世界10多亿人受影响,仅主战场俄国就牺牲了2800多万士兵和百姓,他还大肆鼓励他的纳粹党:“战争只有两种结果:要么我们从别人的尸体上踩过去,要么别人踏着我们的尸体拥有德意志!” 然而,他错了,德意志差点毁在了他手里。 他死后,德意志的统治者跪在死去的亡灵前,挽救了支离破碎的德意志,是统一拯救了它,是和平重新兴建了这个国家,是和平把它重新拉上了历史舞台,而不是被历史淘汰。

请问,--,你知道吗? 再说拿破仑,这个在《战争与和平》里被认为不可战胜的家伙。 依我个人认为,拿破仑之所以失败,不是因为他没有本事,更重要的是一个不出名的却对拿破仑至关重要的元帅——贝拿道特。 贝拿道特在拿破仑当皇帝时就非常不满,他仁慈而宽厚。这个比拿破仑年长10岁却丝毫不比拿破仑逊色的元帅在一次战役中与拿破仑出现了分歧,他不认为拿破仑应该强取豪夺。接着,他受瑞典王的邀请请出了瑞典王子,离开了法国。 果然,对拿破仑作战战略、指挥方法了如指掌的贝拿道特来说,颠覆法国简直易如反掌…… 胜利走向了瑞典,和平的曙光温暖了这远离赤道的国度。 战争蕴育出了拿破仑,而拿破仑败给了和平。只有在和平中,才能萌生出一个美好的新时代! 好战的国家们,收手吧!让和平之光洒满地球的每个角落,让和平的笑脸挂在所有人的脸上吧!

和平演讲稿 第2篇















和平演讲稿 第3篇







和平演讲稿 第4篇

We love peace, we don't like war, but in this world, guns, guns, explosions, far more than the sound of firecrackers and salute sound. We are against the war, don't like war is for the war days of gunfire licks the heavens. Are everywhere. Smoke cigarette a large, not only pollutes the air and the ozone layer, but also let a lot of people lost their lives, bereavement, loss of homes. In the biosphere of plant, animal and is scanty. Now that the war is lost, but in China, the war has become almost homely food, let the people can live and work in peace, every day be always on tenterhooks life . This is not only so, if cause destruction to both sides, it is let the human has to pay a heavy price. On the battlefield, everywhere bloody one, shed blood like water, too terrible. We don't want the world people to kill each other, do not want to let the people of all nations is arch-criminal, we love peace, longing for peace.

和平演讲稿 第5篇




和平演讲稿 第6篇

it that something of great terror thrusts people into the real, reality of life? Makes them realize what the real sources of our biggest problems? We can no longer ignore that PEOPLE are the real reason this world is where it is now. But one question I must ask is, why does it have to take such sacrifices to change the world. Why is it that whenever a proposition is called to help the world, some disagree, and it is not negotiated to order?

Thinking about the recent and some past situations, I can draw a conclusion. It takes an overwhelming amount of attention to change something so great as our way of life. I look back toward the begging of our last century, to the time where countries were so alienated, to each other, and they did it to them selves. By almost the middle of the century, two great wars were fought, and the better side, the side representing goodness or good will, won. It took the attention, the deaths of over six million over the period of 15 years to realize; one country cannot and will not change the world. But a band of countries uniting to make WORLD PEACE can get the better of the attention, the goodness of it. Now, another century, and millennium is beginning and we see the same thing trying to happen the world trying to be changed by negative attention.

I wonder to myself, how long is it going to be before this world unites to change the world for the good. And fight the terror as one. I also wonder, the opposite, how long or how many attempts will it take before this world is ruined because of hatred, terror, and everything representing badness. One thing I do understand and believe though. We must have hope. We must have hope that the day will come that we will no long be scared; and we will no longer fear. One day long after this, from the people that had hope, the people that fought for the goodness of the world, along with fighting for their God given right to live, will prosper from all this fighting. And the fighting will pay off, long after we all are forgotten, when the world is given to those you can’t even tell you what terror is, because they had never experienced it. And we all must keep fighting, and we all must have hope until that day that day arrives.

